Ici Graulhet

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Photos d’exposition

with 2 comments

La pensée du jour: « Je sais pourquoi tant de gens aiment couper du bois. C’est une activité où l’on voit tout de suite le résultat. » Albert Einstein.

Thought for the Day: « I know why so many people like to chop wood. It’s an activity where you can see the result immediately. » Albert Einstein


Quelques personnes m’ayant indiqué qu’elles ne pourraient se rendre à l’exposition organisée par le Cercle philatélique Albigeois et  présentée par la Médiathèque de Graulhet, voici quelques images prises à leur intention. J’y ai fait provision de photos, mais aussi d’histoires qui m’ont été contées par des ‘anciens’ de Graulhet, et pour lesquelles je les remercie.

(On voudra bien excuser la piètre qualité de certaines de ces photos. Angles de prise de vue et  conditions d’éclairage étaient particulièrement difficiles.)

A few persons having mentioned  they won’t be able to visit the exhibition put on by the Cercle philatélique Albigeois at the Graulhet Médiathèque, here are a few photos I took for them. Not only did I get photographs though, I was also told many stories by Graulhétois oldtimers. May they be thanked for them.

(My apologies for the poor quality of several of these photos. The angles and the lighting were particularly challenging.)










Written by zlatovyek

octobre 27, 2009 à 12:21

2 Réponses

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  1. kim: if you love stamps, you’d have a great time over here. Some of the finest ones escaped photography (the exhibits were covered in plastic sheeting off which the lights either bounced or refused to penetrate properly. Oh well.)

    Still, glad you enjoyed it (the Puss ‘n boots stamp is truly grand, I agree.)


    R.L. Bourges

    octobre 28, 2009 at 7:09

  2. I wish I could receive a letter in the mail with a puss ‘n boots stamp on it!

    I think I was a stamp collector in a previous life – I love stamps, I always buy commemorative stamps. for a few years I bought sheets but the passion for collecting (or more likely my pocketbook) soon waned….but I still have many of those sheets, about 30 or so the rest were raided over the years when money was so low I resorted to the sheets to post bills and other outgoing mail.

    enjoyed the virtual visit to the exposition! thanks


    octobre 28, 2009 at 5:05

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